Friday, December 19, 2008

Communications and the Law

Public Expression… Has it gone too far?
Our right to freedom of speech is protected in the United States Constitution, but have there been times when people have just gone too far. I think so. I live in Ephraim, UT which is about seven minutes away from Manti. Every year Manti puts on a pageant where LDS on non LDS members alike come together to watch a performance on the Manti Temple Hill. Of course there are always protesters and that is just fine but once the protesters showed some things that were extremely offensive. They showcased some very large and bloody pictures of aborted babies. The images were very disturbing and crude. Children who saw the pictures started crying. I think this specific demonstration was wrong for a couple of reasons. Number 1: who do they think they’re protesting to anyway? Mormons are generally against abortion. Number 2: Those images were too graphic and obscene to be shown in public, especially around a place where little children were present.
These types of demonstrations should not be allowed. Showcasing overly offensive material is not right. When public expressions harms the well-being of others, those expressions should be done away with.

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