Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Journal 1

The Sender is the journalist, the message is the news, and the receiver is anyone who is reading the newspaper. The channel is, of course, the newspaper and possibilities for noise that disrupt the communication could be loud sounds, making it difficult to concentrate on the paper, or smudges, rips, or spills on the newspaper itself. Other possibilities for noise could be too advanced words or an editor’s biased opinions, changing the content of the news article. If the receiver wanted to give feedback to the newspaper they could write a letter to the editor or simply call the newspaper company.

The sender is the staff writer or editor, the receiver is anyone reading the magazine, and the message, depending on the magazine, is usually a story of some sort, hints and tips to achieve a certain goal, directions on how to create something, or information on a particular place, people, time era, or object. The channel is the specific magazine. The noise could be rips or smudges on the magazine, loud sounds preventing the reader to fully comprehend the idea that is being portrayed. Other noises could be biased writers or grammatical errors in the magazine. If the receiver wanted to give feedback to the magazine they could send an email, write a letter, or call the magazine company.

Radio Program:
The sender is the show’s host or it could be the writer for the radio show. The message is usually news, gossip, political updates, or music and the receiver is anyone listening to the radio program. The channels are sound waves traveling through the air. Today, there are radio programs on the internet in which case the channel would be the internet. The receiver is anyone listening to the radio program. Options for noise could be static or other loud noises impairing the receiver’s hearing of the program. Often times radio programs have specific times in the day when they take calls from the public, letting them ask questions, express their opinions, or try to win prizes. In these ways, the receiver can give feedback to the sender. The receiver could also write a letter, email, or call the radio program.

T.V. Show
The sender could be a variety of people: a director, an actor/actress, the script writer, or the television corporation owner. There are many alternatives for a message on a T.V. show but a few options could be a joke, a story, or news. The receiver is the person watching the television and the channel is the T.V. set and all of the cables, antennas, and satellite dishes that help transfer the message to your living room. Noises that interfere with communication are static, false information, bad acting, power outages, and other sounds that disrupt concentration on the program. If the sender would like to give feedback to the T.V. station, they could write a letter or email the broadcasting corporation.
The Best
I think the form of mass media that does the best job informing the public is the T.V. It is just so easily accessible. People are usually no more than a few feet from a television set. It takes time for a newspaper to write, print, and send out news but through a T.V. program, the news can be delivered virtually at the same time that the news is happening. Also, T.V. is accompanied by moving pictures, sound, and real people talking to you. None of the other forms of media offer this. Informing the public in this way makes it more memorable and understandable. When I think of September 11th, I remember all of the news shows and clips on the T.V. I don’t remember the newspaper articles and I don’t think I ever listened to the events of that day on the radio.
By far, the most entertaining form of mass media to me is T.V. Like I said before, it doesn’t just offer one form of communication like sound, music, pictures, words; it offers all of them. Most of us set apart time in each of our days to watch T.V. because it is so personal. When reading a magazine, you can see pictures of your favorite celebrities but they don’t talk, move, and make jokes in the magazine. Also, watching T.V. is something that we like to do together to make the experience more enjoyable. We don’t gather together to read a newspaper or listen to a radio program. In fact, tomorrow my apartment is having an Office party where we are going to watch the season première of the show with all of our friends.
I am more inclined to buy a product showcased in a magazine rather than in a T.V. or radio commercial. Magazine advertisers make advertisements that capture the eye with neat color schemes and pictures that are attractive to people. With a magazine advertisement, I can look at it a lot longer and pay more attention to it than I could a commercial. Magazine advertisements are art forms whereas commercials usually aren’t. I have an advertisement of a watch hanging on my wall, not because I like the product advertised, but because the man in the picture is super attractive. I see that watch advertisement several times a day and when I’m looking for a present for my dad or brother, guess what I’m going to think of. You can’t cut out a commercial but you can a magazine advertisement.

1 comment:

Ashley and Trent said...

Great blog! I enjoyed your entries. Keep up the good work. 30/30.